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Our Goldens

M A V E R I C K 


'Maverick', named after Pete 'Maverick' Mitchel in the movie Top Gun, is our insanely gorgeous stud. He's an English Cream Golden Retriever, weighing in at almost 90 pounds. He has the most beautiful blocky head, white fur, all-knowing eyes, winning personality- he's SUPER smart, kind, and loving! Truly a gentleman! He loves his puppies, and will often get down on his belly to play with them, bringing them his toys and trying to meet them at their level.  He absolutely loves kids and has a way about him that makes them feel safe. He's just a big puppy at heart and we are thankful to have such a good boy as the Daddy of our puppies!

C R Y S T A L    P R I N C E S S 

Crystal is our FLUFFY girl! She's always up for an adventure, but also can be kinda lazy. She adores tennis balls and she's literally ALWAYS ready to eat. Super friendly, smart, easygoing, funny, and occasionally gets the zoomies! She has eaten tennis balls and plastic bags and been just fine LOL. She has a big attitude and is very personable. She makes the prettiest white puppies! She is a big girl, just over 70 pounds! Total sweetheart!


R A S P B E R R Y 


Raspberry is our cute dog. She has a cute face, cute fluffy ears, the most endearing, pretty eyes, and the cutest personality! She loves people; her favorite spot to be is curled up right next to you. She's on the smaller side, weighing just over 50 pounds. Her puppies usually get her cute personality! She's the perfect combination of sweet and smart. She's sister to Rainbow, they are both from the same litter. She expresses her happiness by holding a stuffed animal in her mouth, whining, wiggling her butt, and wagging her tail all at once. AND all of her puppies do it too!

N A T A L I E 

Natalie is every bit as endearing, kind, cheery, and warm hearted as her namesake Natalie in the movie Love Actually. Her favorite spot on a hot day is to lay in the kiddie pool. She is one of our biggest females, but so serene, quiet, loyal, and wants to please. She has the biggest puppy dog eyes that are nearly impossible to turn down. She lives life to the fullest and is just as happy sitting next to you on the couch as she is getting filthy dirty playing hard outside. VERY intelligent and doesn't miss a beat. We love her!

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L E I A 

Leia (pronounced LAY-uh), named after Princess Leia from Star Wars, is our exceptionally clever little doggie, just like her namesake! She weighs just over 50 pounds, so definitely on the smaller side, but there's a lot packed in to her small frame! She is quite spunky, often gets the zoomies, LOVES to swim, has the prettiest eyes, sweetest little face, and a gorgeous, short, dark red, somewhat curly coat. SUPER friendly, VERY loyal, is totally happy being inside, but definitely loves the outdoors where she can get all her zoomies out! 

A R W E N   U N D O M I E L

Arwen is precious. We lovingly named her after one of our favorite movie characters in The Lord of the Rings. Arwen is just as queenly, gracious, and noble as her namesake, Arwen Undomiel. She is every bit as pretty as Natalie, but has more of a stocky build. She loves cuddles, loves to be brushed, and loves to gaze deep into your eyes. This description of Arwen describes her well '...her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked...'  That's our Arwen!


D O R O T H Y   D O S S 

Dorothy is our pretty little light golden/cream female. She's just as pure and lovely as Dorothy from Hacksaw Ridge. Dorothy was so sweet, kind, supportive, and loyal to Desmond as he was serving as a combat medic in World War 2. We knew we needed a sweet doggie to carry on such a sweet name! Our Dorothy is very cute, obedient, and eager to please. She's a sweetie!

R O S E    D A W S O N

After we fell in love with Rose and Jack's relationship on the Titanic, we decided we needed to name one of our girls after Rose Dawson. And Rose didn't let us down at all. She's independent and headstrong, but also extremely sensitive and loyal- and not only that, but she has the prettiest, darkest red fur of all of our goldens! Just like Rose! I love the wrinkles above her eyes that look like little eyebrows. Rose loves getting her zoomies out with her sister, June- but she is also extremely loving and affectionate. Also one of Elly's puppies. We are excited to be carrying on Elly's line!


J U N E   C A S H 


After watching Walk the Line, we fell in love with Johnny Cash's wife, June! I can't say enough sweet things about June. She LOVES people! She is every bit as loyal, warm, outgoing, kind, endearing, tough, resilient, and beautiful as her namesake. She is always up for a good game of fetch! She also is VERY dedicated to her humans and won't let them out of her sight. She loves cuddles, walks in the woods, and rides in the car! She'll really do anything as long as it's with you!  June is also a puppy from our beloved retired mama, Elly. She has all of her mama's best characteristics.

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